May 31, 2015

A Lonesome Spirit

A lonesome spirit,
watches the world go by,
as thousands of moonbows and sunsets die.

Deep in woods,
perched atop the sky,
it sings a dirge,
willing to submerge.

Shrouded in fog,
lost in darkness,
a lonesome spirit watches the world go by,
as thousands of moonbows and sunsets die.
Photograph by Phil Slade


Phil Slade said...

It all works. Very nice words.

X said...

Sad to be so lonely, but why wait for the world to go by? Why not join in and maybe not be so lonely?

Launna said...

Vandana... many of us are the lonesome spirit that watches life go by.... xox ♡

Lux G. said...

Beautiful. I think at one point, we have been lonesome spirits observing the world around us. Until somehow we wake up and move.

Strummed Words said...

I enjoyed this!

Tarang Sinha said...

Beautiful as always...:)

Amrit Sinha said...

This has such a slow soft feel to it ... loved it :-)

Hardi said...

Lovely poem :)

kaykuala said...

Yes, it can be lonesome in the woods. One can't really be sure! great lines Vandana!


Ankita said...

the descriptions and images are so real! loved it :)