Jul 11, 2022

Insomnia’s Heaven

 As the night blankets the world,
and stars sing a lullaby,
insomnia’s heaven rises just right.

 The world is quiet,
its silence- an elixir,
for the hungry spirits,
lost in the day - light.

 Night’s stillness,
a refuge,
for the countless thoughts,
scattered away like pearls,
night sews them into the sky’s veil,
and lets them fly to infinite heights,
insomnia’s heaven rises just right.

First published in Literary Yard. 


Jul 10, 2022

Early Morning World

The early morning world,

a smooth, round pearl,

curled up in an oyster,

emanating a lively lustre.


Enclosed within the core,

holy prayers, hopes, aspirations,

a few remnants of yore,

wanting to unfurl,

a smooth, round pearl.


Sitting quietly,

in the vast worldly ocean,

engrossed in meditation,

the early morning world,

a smooth, round pearl.

First published in Indian Periodical.


Jul 5, 2022

My Home

Warm sunny sky

mist flying by

flowers kissing bees

gently flowing breeze

leaves dripping dew

my heart yearns for you


Chilly brisk weather

purple Scotch heather

precipitating snowflakes

tranquil fresh lake

nature’s aesthetic art

profess, my home, is your heart

Apr 14, 2022

Magical Night

We lie under the stars

hand in hand


the test of time

our love can withstand


we met through many journeys

from one lifetime to another

our love ever strong every time


holding each other’s hands

we tread the cosmic path

turning into starlight

brightening the night sky

and now, among the stars we shine