Passionate, Romantic,
Respecting, Appreciating, Caring,
Candour, Devotion, Deceit, Enmity
Insulting, Declining, Repelling,
Abhor, Scorn,
Diamente : The purpose is
to go from the subject at the top of the diamond to another totally different (and sometimes opposite) subject at the bottom. A seven line poem, shaped like a diamond.
Line 1 = 1 NOUN ;Line 2 = 2 ADJECTIVES-;Line 3 = 3 GERUNDS- (verb + -ing) ;Line 4:= 4 NOUNS;Line 5 = 3 GERUNDS-(verb + -ing) ;Line 6:= 2 ADJECTIVES;Line 7 = 1 NOUN
Line 1 = 1 NOUN ;Line 2 = 2 ADJECTIVES-;Line 3 = 3 GERUNDS- (verb + -ing) ;Line 4:= 4 NOUNS;Line 5 = 3 GERUNDS-(verb + -ing) ;Line 6:= 2 ADJECTIVES;Line 7 = 1 NOUN