Underneath the percolating rain drops in sand, beneath the dew drops rolling down the leaf blades, among the playful waves of roaring oceans, there’s a deep silence, only heard by a heart calm within : Vandana Sharma
- 1) Published Poetry
- 2)Biology/Science Poems
- Anacreontic Verse
- Balassi Stanza
- Blues Stanza
- Burns Stanza
- Busto Sonetto
- Cantena Rondo
- Canzonet
- Cavatina
- Choka
- Cinquain
- Close to heart
- Constanza
- Decuain
- Diamente
- Envelope Quintet
- Fibonacci
- Go Vat
- Goethe Stanza
- Gogyohka
- Gothic
- Haiku
- Harlequin
- Harrisham Rhyme
- Huitain
- India
- Inverted Refrain
- Kyrielle
- Life
- Lost Love
- Love
- Monotetra
- Moon
- Naani
- Nature
- Ninette
- Nonet
- Octelle
- ovi
- Ovillejo
- Palindrome Poetry
- Pantoum
- Pleiades
- Puente
- Quadrille
- Quatern
- Quintilla
- Rannaicheacht Ghairid
- Rhupunt
- Rhyming Wave
- Rictameter
- Rime Royal Sonnet
- Rondeau
- Rondel
- Rondelet
- Rondine
- Sad
- Sestina
- Shadomra
- Sijo
- Sonnetina Rispetto
- Spiritual
- Stave Stanza
- Tanka
- Terza Rima
- Terzanelle
- Toddaid
- Tricube
- Trijan Refrain
- triolet
- Tritina
- Triversen
- Tyburn
- Vers Beaucoup
- Villanelle
- Women
- Ya Du
- ZaniLa
Nov 2, 2023
Wounded Heart : Harlequin
Oct 11, 2023
We know an outlier
can set data on fire.
If not removed,
results can be dire:
maybe by chance,
they tend to enhance
research’s errors,
at least at first glance..
But review the outlier,
while you enquire
and you may discover
some clues that inspire.
Jun 8, 2023
Ripples Of Time
When emotions roll through,
the river of memories,
countless ripples of time,
splash through the mind.
a special feeling,
love, anger,
happiness or sadness,
carries a story,
of life lived,
lost or survived.
Beneath these ripples,
beats a heart,
resides a soul,
bearers of our,
spiritual existence.
Ripples of time, a chronology of time.
First published in Spillwords