Jul 15, 2015

Starry Shadows : Quintilla

Let’s follow the starry shadows,
to remote  galaxies,
learning alternate realities,
spread across galactic meadows,
opening new windows.

Beads of beautiful planets,
swirling in the space,
flowing effortlessly with grace,
a black and white palette,
covered in astral blankets.

This poem is based on a dream I had a couple of days back, where I saw the beautiful celestial space with magnanimous planets and galaxies. It was a mesmerising sight!.

Quintilla : Rhyme Scheme a. a. b. b. a. or.. a. b. b. a.a. 8 syll’bs per line.


X said...

I have always been fascinated with space. I learned the constellations early in life. I fellt in love with science fiction. I would love to travel space and explore - find new world. Ah, speaks my language.

nashvillecats2 said...

A lovely poem, must have been a lovely dream.

Launna said...

Space holds so much beauty and mystery... I love your poem Vandana ♡

Phil Slade said...

A lovely poem So relevant to recent space explorations and new finds.

Wendy Bourke said...

Your words have painted a beautiful picture, here. A very cool post, Vandana.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hmmm, oh to have a dream like that! Dreaming in adjectives.